We showed fantastic map reading skills this afternoon in Year 2. Can you name all of the continents and oceans?
We showed fantastic map reading skills this afternoon in Year 2. Can you name all of the continents and oceans?
The children have been learning to use positional language and map reading skills on a fieldwork trip to South Marine Park. Children also identified human and physical features of the park.
We have been learning about living things and their habitats. The Royal Horticultural Society and the National History Museum have launched a campaign to map out the habitats in our country. We followed their advice and went searching for the habitats in our school. We really enjoyed it and were surprised at how many different habitats we have. Here we are making scientific observations about each habitat.
We have been learning about the human and physical features of South Shields and Kenya. We then compared these features to spot similarities and differences.
As part of our geography topic Wherever Next? Y2 have worked in pairs to research different polar animals.
This afternoon, Y2 used atlases to locate the continents and oceans.
As part of our end of unit focus into “What shapes our world?”, Year Five were challenged to identify all the ways in which humans are changing the way the Earth is shaped. Pupils were armed with only headings and a Chromebook and had to sift through a range of sources to find the most appropriate information. Many children were able to explain and determine the impact of deforestation, mining and pollution.
As seen the images below, they worked as teams to completely fill their page with analysis!
We have been comparing the polar regions…do you think polar bears and penguins will ever meet?
We used Oreo biscuits to show the movement of tectonic plates in our geography lesson…we also enjoyed eating them afterwards😀