Curriculum Intent Statement
Quality of Education
The ‘Power to Achieve Change with Education’ (PACE) curriculum is the means by which Marine Park Primary School ensures a high quality and ambitious education for its pupils. To this end, it has considered:
Intent- how it sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage
Implementation- the way that the curriculum is taught and assessed in order to support pupils, build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skills
Impact-the intended outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received
Principles and Purpose
Marine Park is a unique school which is rich in terms of diversity. This has both driven and inspired the values we hold about education and its ‘power to change and improve people’s lives.’ It has also guided our decisions about the curriculum we have in place.
To establish its curriculum intent, Marine Park has created The PACE Curriculum Framework. This framework:
- Fully encompasses the National Curriculum, Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the RE agreed syllabus for South Tyneside
- Details the specific knowledge and skills that the school expects children to acquire in each phase of the school
- Builds clear progression in knowledge and skills
- Details the subject specific knowledge and skills that children will be taught
- Places a high priority on the acquisition of life skills as well as on the children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.
It is the school’s intention that the PACE curriculum will enable all of our children to become successful learners and confident individuals, who have an increased social awareness. This is reflected in the behaviours they exhibit, their attitudes to learning across the curriculum and the standards they achieve as a result of this.
Entitlement and Enrichment
Key curriculum drivers outline the expectations for all subjects in terms of entitlement and enrichment, whilst preserving the identity and distinct pedagogical approach of each.
The eight key drivers for our school curriculum are:
These key drivers are personal to our school and reflect the social and educational needs of our local area.
Curriculum leaders have built their policies on the guiding principles and drivers for our curriculum. They have considered how wider educational experiences can enhance learning and build on Cultural Capital through their pupil offer i.e. educational visits, visitors/experts, extra-curricular opportunities, learning through enterprise and through community partnerships.