Religious Education Statement

At Marine Park religious education is fully inclusive for every child.  Whilst not part of the statutory National Curriculum, religious education plays a vital role as part of a broad and balanced curriculum within the school.  In preparation for adult life the children will need to learn to respond well to a local, national and global landscape of different religions and beliefs.  Our R.E. curriculum helps to make sure that children become religiously literate.  The curriculum engenders an interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different religious and non-religious worldviews, with the skill to agreeably disagree with those of differing views. Throughout their learning children will be given opportunities to identify, investigate, respond to and reflect on a variety of issues developing positive attitudes, including tolerance and respect.  R.E. is closely aligned with PSCHE and SMSC and enhances the drive for personal growth including the ability to make informed personal choices, reflect on their own beliefs and cultural practices, develop a moral compass and have empathy with and understanding of views of others. They will broaden their realisation of the impact religious views and beliefs have upon the modern world.

At Marine Park we follow the agreed syllabus for South Tyneside.  The key skills and knowledge for R.E. have been mapped out across the school to ensure progression.  R.E. is taught through the application of 3 strands: Knowledge and Understanding, Critical Thinking, Personal Reflection. 

The ability to ask questions, to relate to sources and evidence, to use an increasing range of topic related vocabulary is essential in developing knowledge and understanding and is planned for and progressively implemented.  Language being key to expression.  Whilst recognising the diversity of the community the children come from as well as that of the staff there is no bias in the delivery of religious education.

Follow the link below to read the statement in full