The Marine Park Mini Police were delighted to meet Prince and Parker, Northumbria Police’s two noble Police Horses. The treat was a kind gesture from Northumbria Police, in recognition of the children’s commitment to the Mini Police Project.

The children were fascinated to learn that all the police horses in Northumbria have a name which begins with ‘P.’ Something which is a long standing tradition. Prince (the brown one!) was named in honour of The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip following his passing. They were intrigued to learn that Parker (the white one!) was selected to escort the late Queen Elizabeth II as she was carried to Windsor as part of her funeral procession.

The horses and their officers gave the children a demonstration of some of the techniques they can use to control crowds. They also gave the children an insight in to the day to day life of a Police Horse and the specialist skills that they can draw upon, including their senses and their ability to assess risk and danger.

It was a wonderful opportunity for all!!