Upon reaching Year 5 & 6, children in school get the opportunity to become part of our School Sport Organising Crew (SSOCrew). It is made up of a diverse group of young people who join together to develop, organise and promote school sport and intra-school competition within school, inline with School Games values.
Our SSOCrew provides ways for our young people to:
• Contribute to decisions about sporting activities and sports competition in their school.
• Engage in aspects of school life outside timetabled lessons.
• Air views and have opinions listened to.
• Influence and shape school sport for their peers.
• Assist in the development and planning of ‘their’ Sainsbury’s School Games programme of activities — based on pupil voice and need.
• Organise and assist with delivery of intra-school competitions within their school.
• Organise and run activities for pupils at break times.
Our SSOCrew enables young people to do the following:
• Take responsibility for their own learning.
• Show a desire to improve and achieve in relation to their own abilities.
• Set themselves attainable but aspirational goals.
• Work independently and collaboratively with their peers.
• Develop their leadership and life skills.